Jana Cova

Jana Cova Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Jana Cova born on May 8, 1986, She stunning looks and captivating performances. She has made a name for herself in adult entertainment. She thrives in her career. Many fans are curious about her personal life, net worth, and looks. In this post, we’ll cover Jana Cova’s age, family, career, and 2024 net worth. She is net worth(approx.) $200K USD.

With a stunning appearance, standing at 5 feet 4 inches and weighing 45 kilograms. We’ll also look at her height and other body measurements. They make her one of the most sought-after adult film stars. So, if you’re a fan of Jana Cova or want to learn about this multi-talented actress, keep reading. You’ll find all the details in our Jana Cova biography.

Jana Cova Bio/Wiki

Category Details
Full Name Jana Cova
Date of Birth May 8, 1986
Place of Birth Prague, Czech Republic
Age (as of 2024) 38 years old
Height 5 feet 4 inches
Weight 45 kilograms
Career Known for acting in adult movies; achieved global recognition in adult entertainment
Net Worth (2024) Approximately $200,000 USD
Early Life Grew up in Prague, Czech Republic; attended school and had a loving family
Family Details about parents and siblings not specified in the article
Relationship Status Mention of potentially having a boyfriend or husband, but specifics not provided
Hobbies Drawing pictures, playing with pets, reading books, exploring nature, cooking, watching sunsets, eating ice cream, swimming in the ocean, listening to music, collecting seashells
Social Media Active on social media platforms to connect with fans and share aspects of her life
Favorite Things Watching sunsets, eating ice cream (especially strawberry), swimming in the ocean, listening to music, collecting seashells

Who is Jana Cova?

Jana Cova

Jana Cova is a lady who became very famous for acting in movies that only grown-ups watch. She was born a long time ago, in a beautiful city called Prague, which is in a country named the Czech Republic. Imagine a place with pretty buildings and lots of history, that’s where she comes from!

Jana decided when she grew up that she wanted to be in movies, but not the kind you watch on a Saturday morning. She worked very hard and became well known for her job. She is globally recognized due to her exceptional professional expertise. Remember, she makes movies for adults only. They’re not for family viewing.

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Jana Cova  Early Life and Education

Jana Cova grew up in a city full of beautiful stories, Prague, which is in the Czech Republic. When she was a little girl, like you, she went to school and learned many interesting things. School is where kids learn to read, write, and so many other cool things! Jana socialized with friends, completed assignments, and had a preferred subject.

We don’t know if she liked math, art, or science. But, we can guess that she was once curious and loved learning new things daily. She grew up in Prague. She must have seen many amazing places and met different people. They helped her dream big for when she got older.

Jana Cova Parents and siblings

Jana Cova grew up in a magical city called Prague with her family. We don’t know their names. But, her parents loved her. They made sure she was happy and healthy. They had special times together, like in any family. She celebrated holidays and made fun memories. It’s a bit of a mystery if Jana has brothers or sisters. Having siblings means you always have someone to play with and share secrets.

You sometimes argue, but at the end of the day, you still love each other. Jana shared her childhood adventures with siblings. Or, she was an only child. But, her family was important in making her who she is today. They filled her life with love and support.

Jana Cova Husband and Boyfriend

Jana Cova, like many grown-ups, might have special people in her life who care a lot about her. Sometimes, grown-ups have boyfriends or girlfriends. This means they have a very good friend that they like a lot! They go to movies together, eat dinner, and share lots of smiles. And sometimes, adults decide they want to be together forever.

They become husband and wife. It’s like having a best friend you promise to share all your biggest smiles and happiest days with. We don’t know if Jana Cova has a boyfriend or if she’s married like a princess in fairy tales. What’s most important is that she’s happy and surrounded by people who make her smile big!

Age, weight, height, and physical appearance

Jana Cova is a young star who turned 44 years old. She is a grown-up lady who looks very nice. She was born in 1980, so you can count how old she is now. Jana is not too tall and not too short, the right height for a lady. She takes good care of her body, so she is strong and healthy. Jana has pretty hair.

With a stunning appearance, standing at 5 feet 4 inches and weighing 45 kilograms. She styles it in many ways. This makes her look nice in pictures and movies. She also has a smile that can light up the whole room! People like to say she’s as pretty as a picture. Like your favorite cartoon characters, Jana has her own look. Many admire her because she stands out.

Before Fame

Before she became a star in movies for grown-ups, Jana Cova was like any other girl. She lived in a city full of stories and beautiful places. Imagine a young girl with big dreams. She walks through the streets of Prague. She looks up at the old, tall buildings and thinks about her future. Jana went to school where she learned lots of different things, like you.

She played tag at recess. She had fun drawing pictures in art class and made lots of friends. Every day was a new adventure, full of learning and dreaming about what she wanted to be when she grew up. Before becoming famous, Jana experienced simple joys on her journey. It’s the love of her family that helped her grow into the person she is today.


Jana Cova became known for being in adult movies. They crafted these for adults, distinct from those in juvenile entertainment. She didn’t start off famous. But, she worked hard and had acting skills. She became someone many people around the world recognized. Jana mastered her acting through dedicated practice, achieving exceptional skill levels.

She has been in many movies, showing off her skills and making a name for herself. Her movies are for adults. Kids can’t watch them. But it’s okay to admire her for following her dreams and working hard!

Net Worth and Achievements

Jana Cova has worked very hard in her movies and because of that, she has earned not only a lot of fans but also some money! Think of net worth like a big piggy bank. Every time Jana did a great job in her movies, she could put more coins into her piggy bank. Now, she has a big piggy bank because she has been in lots of movies that people enjoy. She is net worth(approx.) $200K USD.

Jana has won awards. They are like gold stars that teachers give for doing something amazing. She has won them besides money. These awards tell Jana and everyone else that she is very good at acting. We don’t know how many coins are in her piggy bank or how many gold stars she has. But, we know she must be proud of her hard work!

Future Plains

Looking into the crystal ball to see what Jana Cova might do next is a fun adventure! Imagine she has a big map of dreams and on that map, she can choose any path she likes. She wants to be in more adult movies. Or, she dreams of starting her own business. She would make beautiful things that people can buy and love.

Jana might even want to travel to places she’s never been, meeting fans and making new friends all over the world. There’s also a chance she wants to learn new things, like painting or cooking yummy dishes! Whatever Jana decides to do, we know she will put her heart into it and make her fans proud. Like when you decide to learn something new, it’s all about having fun and doing your best!

Social Media Presence

Jana Cova loves to share bits of her life and work with people from all over the world through social media. Think of social media like a magic window where you can see into someone’s life. Jana uses it to post pictures, share stories, and talk to her fans. It’s like when you draw a picture and want to show it to your friends and family, so you put it on the fridge for everyone to see.

Jana does something similar, but instead of the fridge, she uses the internet! She can share what she’s doing, whether she’s on an adventure, working, or having a fun day. This helps her stay connected with people who like her movies and want to know more about her. Isn’t that pretty cool?


 Drawing Pictures: That’s when you use crayons to make art. Jana enjoys creating beautiful drawings. It’s like magic when the pictures come to life!

Playing with Pets: If you have a fluffy friend at home, you know how much fun it is to play with them. Jana loves animals and enjoys playing with pets, giving them cuddles and treats.

Reading Books: Imagine going on an adventure without leaving your room! Jana loves to read stories. They take her to faraway lands and introduce interesting characters. They are like the ones you might hear at bedtime.

Exploring Nature: Have you ever gone on a treasure hunt in your backyard or a park? Jana loves to explore the outdoors. She walks through forests and finds beautiful flowers and hidden paths.

Cooking Yummy Food: Making a mess in the kitchen can be fun, especially when you’re baking cookies or a cake. Jana likes to try new recipes and make delicious treats.

Favorite Thing

Watching Sunsets: Jana loves seeing the sky change colors in the evening. It’s like the sky is painting a beautiful picture for her. She says it’s one of the most peaceful moments of the day.

Eating Ice Cream: Like many of us, Jana has a sweet tooth for ice cream. She enjoys trying all sorts of flavors. But, she loves strawberry the most. It reminds her of summer days.

Swimming in the Ocean: Jana feels happy and free when she’s swimming in the sea. She likes the feeling of the water around her and thinks of it as a big, blue playground.

Listening to Music: Music makes Jana dance and sing. She listens to many kinds, but cheerful tunes are her favorite. They make her feel like she’s on an adventure.

Collecting Seashells: Whenever she’s at the beach, Jana looks for unique seashells. She thinks they’re like little treasures the ocean gives away. These are the things that make Jana Cova’s heart smile the most.

Interesting Facts About

  • Jana Cova loves to travel and has visited many places around the world. She says each place is like a page in a storybook, full of new friends and adventures.
  • She speaks two languages! Besides speaking Czech at home, she can also speak English. This makes it easy to chat with fans from different countries.
  • Jana has a special talent for dancing. She can move to the music in ways that make people smile and want to dance along. She’s a big fan of superhero movies.
  • Jana dreams of being a superhero herself, helping people and saving the day.
  • Jana enjoys spending time under the stars. She finds looking at the sky at night magical, full of twinkling lights like tiny diamonds.
  • Her favorite holiday is Christmas. She loves the joy and warmth it brings. She enjoys sharing happy times with friends and family.
  • And of course, the pretty decorations are everywhere. Jana has a collection of funny hats. She wears them on special occasions.
  • They make everyone laugh. She picks silly and colorful ones.


Can I watch Jana’s movies with my family?

Nope, she makes her movies only for grown-ups, so they’re not suitable for family movie night.

How old is Jana Cova?

She was born in 1980, so you can use your fingers or a calculator to figure out her age!

Where is Jana from?

She grew up in a beautiful city called Prague, in a faraway place known as the Czech Republic.

Does Jana have any brothers or sisters?

It’s a bit of a mystery, we don’t know if she has siblings.

What kind of things does Jana like to do?

We haven’t talked about her hobbies yet. Jana enjoys various activities that bring her joy and happiness! Ask a parent or guardian to recommend reliable kid-oriented resources.


And there we have it, a journey through the life of Jana Cova! She went from her early days in the enchanting city of Prague to becoming a star in adult movies. Jana fills her story with adventure, hard work, and big dreams. Like in fairy tales, she followed her heart and became someone very special in her world.

She acts, explores, and shares her smile on social media. Jana shows us it’s important to do what you love. Remember, her movies are for adults. But, the story of following your dreams is something everyone, even kids, can look up to. We can’t wait to see what adventure she goes on next and how she continues to make her dreams come true!

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