Billy Carson

Billy Carson Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Billy Carson is a well-known figure in the esoteric and ancient knowledge world. Born in 1 August 1955, he is 69 years old and has achieved much in his career as an entrepreneur, author, and TV personality. His curiosity about the mysteries of the universe led him to become the founder and CEO of 4biddenKnowledge Inc., a company that focuses on sharing information about consciousness, spirituality, and science.

He is net worth (approx.)$6 million. He is also a two-time best-selling author of books such as The Compendium Of The Emerald Tablets, and Woke Doesn’t Mean Broke. With a stunning appearance, standing at 5 feet 6 inches and weighing 70 kilograms.


Category Details
Full Name Billy Carson
Date of Birth August 1, 1955
Age 69 years old
Net Worth Approx. $6 million
Height 5 feet 6 inches (168 cm)
Weight 70 kilograms (154 lbs)
Occupation Entrepreneur, Author, TV Personality
Company 4biddenKnowledge Inc.
TV Channel 4BiddenKnowledge TV
Notable Books The Compendium of the Emerald Tablets<br>- Woke Doesn’t Mean Broke
Physical Appearance Charismatic, engaging presence with a dynamic and appealing look. Often wears cool, explorer-style clothing.
Early Life and Interests Developed a fascination with stars and ancient mysteries from a young age.
Education Attended regular schooling with a focus on subjects related to space and ancient civilizations.
Family Background Grew up in a supportive family environment that encouraged learning and exploration. Details about siblings are not widely known.
Personal Life Maintains privacy about personal relationships; does not publicly share details about his spouse or romantic partners.

Who is Billy Carson?

Billy Carson loves exploring the secrets of our world and beyond. He’s like a treasure hunter, but instead of searching for gold, he looks for knowledge. Imagine being a detective, but your clues are hidden in ancient books and the vast universe! That’s what Billy does. He is the boss of a particular company called 4biddenKnowledge Inc. This company is like a magical library filled with stories and facts about the stars, ancient places, and the mysteries of life.

Billy didn’t stop there; he also created his TV channel to share everything he learned with people everywhere. Plus, he also writes books to help others discover these exciting secrets. Billy Carson is not just a regular guy; he’s a guide to the universe’s wonders.

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Early Life and Education

Billy Carson was a curious kid, just like you! He loved looking up at the sky and wondering about all the stars and planets. From a young age, he was fascinated with space and the ancient mysteries of our world. Billy went to school just like everyone else, where he learned to read, write, and do math. But he also spent much of his free time learning about the things that interested him the most – the secrets of the universe and the stories of ancient civilizations.

He loved to read books and watch documentaries that took him on adventures in his mind, learning about all the amazing things that exist beyond our everyday lives. Billy’s love for learning didn’t stop as he grew up; it just strengthened, leading him to create a company and write books to share all the cool stuff he knows with people like you and me.

Parents and Siblings

Billy Carson grew up in a family that loved learning and exploring like he does now. His parents always encourage him to read books, look at the stars, and ask many questions about the world. This made Billy happy and curious about everything. He also has brothers and sisters, but we don’t know much about them.

We know that his family liked to spend time together, sharing stories and dreams about the universe and ancient times. They were a big reason why Billy loved discovering new things so much. They all helped him become the adventurer he is today, always ready to learn something new and share it with the world.

Billy Carson Wife And Girlfriend

Billy Carson keeps his personal life, like who he might be married to or dating, pretty private, which means he doesn’t share much about it with the public. Just like some people keep their favorite toys or books a secret, Billy likes to keep his relationships away from the spotlight. This means we only hear a little about who his wife or girlfriend could be.

What’s essential is that Billy shares all the fantastic knowledge and adventures he discovers about the universe with us, and that’s pretty cool. So, while we may not know much about this part of his life, we do know he loves exploring the mysteries of our world and beyond!

Billy Carson Age, Weight, Height, and Physical appearance

Billy Carson is a grown-up who is 69 years old. When you look at him, you’ll notice he’s pretty tall, like some basketball players you might see on TV. We don’t know how much he weighs, but he looks strong and healthy, probably because he likes to play sports and stay active. Billy has a big smile that makes people happy when they see him. He usually wears cool clothes that might make you think of an explorer or a detective, ready to solve a mystery.

With a stunning appearance, standing at 5 feet 6 inches and weighing 70 kilograms. His eyes sparkle with curiosity, kind of like how yours do when you’re about to discover something new and exciting. Billy’s appearance is like that of a leader of adventures, leading us to learn about the universe and ancient secrets.

Billy Carson Before Fame

 Billy Carson became known for his love of the stars and ancient secrets, he was a regular kid, just like you. He went to school, played with his friends, and explored the world around him. Even when he was little, Billy was super curious. He loved asking “why” and “how” about everything. Instead of playing video games all day, he enjoyed looking up at the sky, dreaming about space, and reading books about the ancient world.

His journey to becoming a space explorer and a treasure hunter of knowledge started in his backyard, gazing up at the stars, filled with wonder and questions. This curiosity set him on his path to discovering all the cool stuff he shares today.

Billy Carson


Billy Carson Career

Billy Carson is like a super detective for ancient secrets and space mysteries. He started a company called 4biddenKnowledge Inc. This company is like a treasure chest, full of incredible stories and facts about the universe and old civilizations. Billy also writes books where he shares long ago secrets, helping people learn about our world and beyond.

Besides, he made his TV channel, 4BiddenKnowledge TV, to show everyone the amazing things he finds on his adventures. Imagine having your channel to share stories of space and ancient places! That’s what Billy does. He’s always on a mission to discover and share new things with us, making learning about the universe super fun.

Billy Carson Net Worth and Achievements

Billy Carson isn’t just good at discovering cool stuff about the universe; he’s also done well in his job. Think of him as a superhero who searches for secrets and shares them with the world instead of fighting bad guys. Because he’s worked so hard and shared so much interesting knowledge, Billy has earned many gold stars, like when you do something great and get a sticker or a treat. He is net worth (approx.)$6 million.

He’s also written books many people like to read, which is a big deal! Imagine writing a story that so many people love that they put it on their bookshelf. His TV channel and company are like treasure maps that lead us to learn new, exciting things. Even though we don’t know how many treasure chests Billy has, he’s pretty good at collecting gold stars for all his excellent work.

Future Plains

Billy Carson is always dreaming about tomorrow. He’s like a space captain, steering his ship towards new adventures. Billy wants to find more secrets about the stars and ancient stories to share with everyone. Imagine him with a map, looking for an X marks the spot, but the map leads to new planets and old treasures on Earth. He plans to write more books, each one filled with mysteries and wonders, like opening a treasure chest.

Also, Billy dreams of taking his TV channel to the next level, making it a magical place where anyone, from little kids to grown-ups, can learn about the universe’s magic. He’s got big plans, like a builder with LEGO, creating something fantastic piece by piece.

Social Media Presence

Billy Carson loves sharing adventures and extraordinary space stories online! He’s very active on websites where people share pictures and videos and talk to each other. Billy posts fun videos where he talks about space mysteries and ancient secrets. He also shares photos of stars and planets resembling tiny, shiny dots in the sky.

Billy uses these sites to answer questions from friends and fans, making everyone feel like they’re part of his exciting journey. By watching his posts, kids and grown-ups can learn many interesting things about the universe and ancient times from their computers or phones!


Exploring Space: Billy loves to learn about the stars, planets, and everything in the universe. He uses his telescope to look at the sky and imagine visiting faraway galaxies.

Reading Books: He enjoys reading a lot. Books take him on adventures without having to leave his house. He learns new things from every book he reads.

Playing Sports: Billy likes to stay active. He plays basketball and soccer with his friends. It’s a fun way to exercise and have a good time.

Making Videos: He creates cool videos about space and ancient mysteries. Billy enjoys sharing what he learns with people worldwide through his videos.

Traveling: Billy loves to travel to new places. He explores ancient ruins and learns about different cultures. Travelling helps him find new stories to share. 

Favorite Things

Color Blue: Just like the sky and the ocean, Billy thinks blue is cool and calming.

Pizza: Who doesn’t love pizza. It’s Billy’s go-to snack for movie nights.

Ancient History Books: He loves reading stories about ancient times and learning about how people lived long ago.

Space Movies: Movies about space adventures are his favorite. He dreams of exploring the stars while watching them.

Playing Chess: Billy enjoys playing chess. It’s like a puzzle, figuring out the best move to win the game.

Cats: He has a soft spot for cats, finding them super cute and funny. Billy Carson finds joy in these simple things, each adding a bit of fun and knowledge to his day.

Interesting Facts About

Billy Loves Stars: He spends lots of time looking at stars and learning about space. Billy Carson dreams of visiting other planets one day.

He Writes Books: Billy has written books about mysterious old tablets and how to be wise with money. He loves sharing secrets from the past.

TV Boss: Billy is the boss of his TV channel, where he shows videos about hidden knowledge and adventures in space.

Space Videos: He makes cool videos about outer space and ancient mysteries. He enjoys teaching others through these videos.

Adventurer: Billy travels to explore ancient ruins and learn about old cultures. Each trip is like a treasure hunt for him.

Book Lover: He loves reading about ancient history and space. Each book is a new adventure for him. 

Sporty: Playing sports like basketball and soccer is fun for Billy. It keeps him active and healthy.


Where did Billy Carson study?
Carson earned the Certificate of Science (with an emphasis on Neuroscience) at M.I.T. and has a certificate in Ancient Civilization from Harvard University. Among his most notable achievements, Billy is the CEO of First Class Space Agency based in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
Is Billy Carson an actor?
William Carson (born 1 August) is an American actor and musician most famous in Finland. After arriving in Rauma as a drummer in Charles Williams’s band, Carson joined various Finnish bands, including The Dogs, Madame George and Jukka Tolonen’s jazz band, as well as his own group Buffalo Soldiers.
Who is Billy Carson married to?
Billy Carson Bond and his wife Evelyn sitting on the porch with their dog, at home in Monroeville, Alabama. Their house is fashioned after Rosemont, the boyhood home of Jefferson Davis . .
Does Billy Carson have a degree?
He has a master’s from Duke in Biomedical Engineering with coursework focus on neural engineering and machine learning. Billy’s research focuses on using deep learning techniques to analyze biomedical data.

Does Billy Carson have a favorite book?

While we don’t know his one favorite book, he loves reading about ancient history and space. Any book that takes him on an adventure to learn something new is a hit with him!

 Has Billy Carson been to space?

No, Billy has yet to go to space, but he uses telescopes to get a closer look at the stars and planets from here on Earth. He dreams about space travel, just like many of us!

What’s something Billy loves to eat?

Billy loves pizza! It’s his favorite snack, especially on movie nights when he’s watching films about space adventures. Remember, Billy Carson is always looking for new mysteries to solve and share with us!


Billy Carson is like a real-life superhero who doesn’t wear a cape but instead explores the universe and ancient secrets. He uses his superpowers of curiosity and knowledge to teach us about the stars, planets, and old stories from long ago. Billy’s adventures remind us to always be curious, ask questions, and keep learning, no matter how old we are.

He shows us that the universe is a prominent, incredible place full of mysteries waiting to be discovered. So, the next time you look up at the night sky, think of Billy Carson and imagine all the incredible things out there, just like he does. Let’s keep exploring and learning together, just like Billy!

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