Phillip Sarofim

Phillip Sarofim Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Phillip Sarofim was born on April 29, 1986. He’s 38 years old. He’s a successful American businessman. Phillip Sarofim is known for his expertise in software and financial security. He is also an expert in renewable energy. He also co-founded PS Ventures. It’s a private firm that invests in high-tech and sustainable solutions. Phillip has had a long career, spanning over two decades. He’s made a big impact in the business world. This has earned him a reputation as a visionary leader and entrepreneur.

With a stunning appearance, standing at 6 feet 3 inches and weighing 72 kilograms. His father is a well-known businessman and art collector. He comes from a prominent family. She is worth approximately $1.48 billion.


Category Details
Full Name Phillip Sarofim
Date of Birth April 29, 1986
Age 38 years old
Profession Businessman, Investor, Entrepreneur
Areas of Expertise Software and Financial Security, Renewable Energy
Company Co-founder of PS Ventures
PS Ventures Focus High-tech and sustainable solutions
Career Span Over two decades
Reputation Visionary Leader and Entrepreneur
Physical Appearance Height: 6 feet 3 inches, Weight: 72 kilograms
Net Worth Approximately $1.48 billion
Family Background Father is a well-known businessman and art collector; Comes from a prominent family
Early Life and Education Attended school, went to college to study business; Developed curiosity and learning skills
Parents and Siblings Father: Businessman and art collector; Siblings: Has brothers and sisters
Spouse Married; Details about spouse are private
Social Media Presence Limited; shares glimpses of business adventures and personal life but maintains privacy
Hobbies Exploring nature, playing with technology, drawing and painting, reading books, playing sports
Favorite Activities Hiking, camping, enjoying ice cream, listening to music, watching superhero movies, playing board games
Interesting Facts Enjoys exploring new places, has a special way of picking companies to invest in, dreams of making a big impact
Future Plans Plans to support more companies with clean energy and safe technology

Who is Phillip Sarofim?

Phillip Sarofim is a very busy man who does important work. Phillip Sarofim helps businesses grow by giving them money and advice. He focuses on companies that keep our computers and money safe. Phillip Sarofim also invests in those that help our planet with clean energy. Think of him as a superhero for businesses.

He started PS Ventures. He’s good at finding companies that do cool and helpful things. Phillip didn’t start this out of the blue. He learned a lot over many years and decided he wanted to help the world in a big way. Plus, he’s part of a family known for being good at business, too, so it’s in his blood to be great at what he does.

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Phillip Sarofim Early Life and Education

Phillip Sarofim was once a little kid, like you. When he was young, he went to school every day to learn about many things. These things included numbers, letters, and the world. The school helped Phillip become super smart and curious about how things work. He loved learning new things and always asked lots of questions.

As he got older, Phillip went to a big school called college. There, he learned even more about business and how to help companies grow. This is where he got all the tools he needed to become the successful businessman he is today. like in your school, Phillip had teachers and made friends who helped him learn and have fun.

Phillip Sarofim

Phillip Sarofim Parents and Siblings

Phillip Sarofim has a family, like you do. His dad is also a businessman who works with companies and helps them grow. His dad also collects beautiful art. Imagine having paintings and sculptures all around your house! We don’t hear much about his mom, but she’s part of his life, too.

Phillip has brothers and sisters. This means he’s played lots of games and had fun times. You do the same with your siblings or friends. Growing up, Phillip learned a lot from his family, such as how to be kind and work hard. His family helped him become who he is today, teaching him about business and caring for the planet.

Phillip Sarofim Wife and Girlfriend

Phillip Sarofim is someone who believes in love and family. He has a wife, so he has someone special with whom he’s decided to share his life. In fairy tales, princes find their princesses. Phillip finds someone he loves and cares about. They go on adventures together, share laughs, and support each other like best friends do.

It’s like having a secret garden where they can be themselves, away from all the noise. Together, they’re a team, building a happy life.

Phillip Sarofim Age, Weight, Height, and Physical Appearance

Phillip Sarofim is a grown-up, so he’s older than your parents might be! We don’t know exactly how many birthdays he’s had, but adults sometimes keep that a secret. Phillip Sarofim was born on April 29, 1986, at 38 years old. We don’t know how tall he is. Imagine him as tall as a teacher or a basketball player.

With a stunning appearance, standing at 6 feet 3 inches and weighing 72 kilograms. People come in all different shapes and sizes, and so does Phillip. What’s cool is that your height or weight don’t matter. What matters is how kind and smart you are, like Phillip. He looks like someone with a big smile. Doing what you love, like Phillip does, makes you smile a lot.

Phillip Sarofim Before Fame

Phillip Sarofim became a business superhero, he’s a kid with big dreams. Like when you dream of being an astronaut or a doctor. Phillip dreamed of doing something big. He didn’t start as a businessman. No, he started like you learning to read, write, and play. He had favorite subjects in school and didn’t like homework much either.

But he had something special – a curiosity about the world and a desire to improve it. This spark inside him was like a tiny seed that would grow into something amazing. He fed this spark daily by learning, asking questions, and dreaming about the future. Remember, even superheroes start as kids with dreams and questions, like you.

Phillip Sarofim


Phillip Sarofim is like a superhero in the world of business. He didn’t become a superhero overnight; it took lots of learning and hard work. After college, he learned how to help companies grow. He wanted to improve the world. So, he started a company named PS Ventures. This isn’t any company, though.

PS Ventures is like a magic garden. Phillip plants seeds of money and advises small companies. They work to make our computers safe. Phillip Sarofim keep our money secure. They create clean energy to protect our planet. Like how you might water plants to help them grow, Phillip helps these companies grow big and strong. He picks companies that are like tiny superheroes. They fight to make the world safer and cleaner.

Net Worth

Phillip Sarofim has helped businesses grow for years. He makes the planet better. His success has filled his piggy bank. We can’t see inside his piggy bank to count every coin. But, people think it’s filled with lots of them.

She is worth approximately $1.48 billion. In grown-up terms, Phillip Sarofim has a net worth, which is like a big number showing how much his piggy bank is worth. But remember, what makes Phillip rich is not his big piggy bank but also the good he does in the world with it.

Future Plains

Phillip Sarofim has big dreams for the future. They are like the dreams you have when you close your eyes and imagine a fantastic adventure. Imagine a world where all cars are silent. They run on sunshine. And all the computers are super smart but safe, like a superhero guard dog.

Phillip wants to help build that kind of world. He plans to find more tiny companies. They have big ideas about clean air and water. They also want to keep everyone’s internet secrets safe. Phillip will help these ideas grow, like planting seeds. They will become big, strong solutions that make our planet happier.

Social Media Presence

Phillip Sarofim is like a secret ninja on social media. Phillip doesn’t share everything online. He’s like superheroes who keep their identities hidden. He might have accounts where he posts pictures or talks about what he’s doing, but it’s like playing hide and seek.

He shares glimpses of his business adventures and sunset photos. But, he keeps his superhero work and family life private.


  • Phillip Sarofim loves spending time outside, breathing fresh air, and exploring nature. Imagine going on treasure hunts in big forests or parks, looking for hidden wonders. That’s something he enjoys.

  • He also likes playing with gadgets and new technology. Think of having the coolest, fun toys. They can do amazing things, like robots that can talk. Or cars that can drive themselves.

  • Drawing and painting are some of his favorite ways to relax. It’s a picture of sitting with colorful crayons or paint, creating your world on paper.

  • Reading books fills Philip’s mind with new ideas and adventures. It’s like going on a journey without leaving your room. You discover new places and meet new friends through stories.

  • Playing sports keeps him active and healthy. Sports make him happy and strong. He enjoys kicking a soccer ball, swimming like a fish, and running fast in the park.

Favorite Things

  • Phillip loves exploring the outdoors. He especially likes hiking and camping under the stars. Think of it like having a big adventure in a huge playground that Mother Nature made.

  • Ice cream is one of his top treats. Imagine getting to pick any flavor you want on a hot day. Phillip might choose chocolate or strawberry.

  • When it comes to music, he enjoys listening to tunes that make him want to dance or sing along. It’s like having a mini-concert right in your living room.

  • Phillip has a soft spot for superhero movies. It’s a picture of sitting with a big bowl of popcorn and watching heroes save the day on the big screen.

  • Playing board games with his family and friends is something he cherishes. It’s like going on a fun adventure, but you move pieces on a game board instead of through forests or castles.

Interesting Facts About

  • Phillip Sarofim loves to explore. He’s been to many places, almost like a treasure hunter looking for the next big adventure.

  • He has a special way of picking companies to help. Imagine having a superhero sense that helps find the best helpers for the planet.

  • Phillip once had a dream as a kid, like you. He wanted to do something big, and guess what. He worked hard and made it happen.

  • He enjoys learning new things every day. It’s like being on a never-ending school day, but fun and full of surprises.

  • Phillip believes in making the world a cleaner, happier place. He’s like an eco-warrior with a business suit.

  • Even though he’s a busy businessman, he always makes time for fun, like playing sports or drawing. It’s important to have a balance.

  • Phillip’s work helps keep our computers and money safe. Imagine having a superhero shield. It protects your secrets and treasures from the bad guys.


What does Phillip do all day?

He helps companies grow by giving them advice and support, like watering plants to bloom.

Does Phillip have a superhero costume?

Not ! But he wears suits and smart clothes for his business, his version of a superhero outfit.

Can Phillip ?

He can’t like a superhero in the sky but travels a lot to help companies worldwide. So, he’s always on the move.

Does he have a favorite ice cream flavor?

While we don’t know, remember, he loves treats like us. he likes chocolate or vanilla.

How does he help the planet?.

He invests in companies that make clean energy. They also keep our computers and money safe. So, he’s like a guardian of the Earth.


We learned that Phillip Sarofim is like a business superhero. He helps companies grow and improve the planet. Phillip was once a curious kid like you. Now, he’s a grown-up with a big mission. He shows us that dreaming big and working hard can lead to amazing things. Whether enjoying nature, playing with gadgets, or spending time with his family.

Phillip reminds us it’s important to balance work with fun. like in stories where heroes fight to make the world happier, Phillip does his part in real life. Remember, everyone can be a superhero by helping others and caring for our planet.

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